World to Caylee Anthony Doll Maker: You're a Filthy Tool


The Caylee Anthony Sunshine doll was to be launched for sale online at CayleeDoll dot com for $30 until tonight's media expose of the worst exploitation of a murdered child in my recollection. The president of the manufacturing company says we've got it all wrong. The doll is a tribute to Caylee and it will comfort her family as they hold onto it and grieve, he told Mike Galagos on CNN. Yeah. And Bernard Madoff made an honest mistake.

The family can push its belly button and hear it sing You Are My Sunshine in a little girl's voice. Shoot, that would make me feel so much better after my grandchild's been murdered. You?

The doll with "Caylee" on her shirt is no longer available on the site. Now the dolls have three other girls' names. It's a Blogspot blog with the commenting turned off, but there's a menu link to several crazy "comments" pasted in.

People sure suck sometimes.

10 Snap and Comment:

Kathy said...

I just heard about this on the news today. Disgusting. There are no lines people won't cross anymore.

JD at I Do Things said...

This is so gross. I thought it was a joke at first. Like, who would even come up with this idea, much less carry it out?

Anonymous said...
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jana said...

Holy freaking Hell.

I am stunned. How revolting.

I can't even come up with words strong enough for how horrifying that story is.

Anonymous said...

This is just frightening...

Vivienne said...

Hi everyone, it's so sick, isn't it? And having seen the filthy exploiter on TV pretending he's got no idea what the problem is made my fangs grow.

Hey there Kathy, thanks for dropping a line! I've been engrossed in my new music blog that's seducing me with a lot more visits than this one. I see all is still going very well at The Drawer. Keep the laughs coming!

Hi JD, ditto on your questions. I would feel so obscene for even considering the idea but to actually go for? Shameless.

Hello SpeakDog, does you dog really speak? I love animal avatars. Be sure to check out Daisy in my sidebar, unless you like to eat cats. In that case, please look away.

Hi Ryan, yes it is frightening, isn't it? It's creepy man in a dark alley when your car won't start frightening. And it's raining. And you cell's got no reception. That's the Caylee doll right there.

Unknown said...

I cannot beleive people would do crap like this,
your right people do suck!

Margo said...

I'm late chiming in here, but I hadn't heard this. I need to go lie down now.

Vivienne said...

Hi Nina, so sleezetastic, isn't it? That man has no shame.

Hello Margo, you can chime in any time! Isn't this just too sick? At least there was an outcry. Please.

THE GUYS said...

This world is unbelievable sometimes!!

Makes us sick.

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